Diversity Statement
PROGRESS: PROmotinG DiveRsity in Signal ProcESSing
The IEEE Signal Processing Society adheres to the IEEE Code of Conduct and is committed to providing equal opportunity to its members, regardless of ethnicity, race, nationality, disability, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, religion, gender, age, and/or personal identity. The Society is committed to a welcoming and inclusive environment that promotes diversity in the signal processing community.
IEEE Signal Processing Society Diversity Pledge
The IEEE Signal Processing Society is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in all its operations. This includes boards, committees, panels involved in governance (BoG, ExCom, and nominations to BoG and ExCom), conferences (General Chairs and Organizing Committee members, Technical Program Chairs and members, panels), publications (Editors-in-Chief and Associate Editors), technical committees, distinguished lecturers, chapter chairs, officers, and staff.
IEEE Event Conduct and Safety Statement
IEEE believes that science, technology, and engineering are fundamental human activities, for which openness, international collaboration, and the free flow of talent and ideas are essential. Its meetings, conferences, and other events seek to enable engaging, thought-provoking conversations that support IEEE’s core mission of advancing technology for humanity. Accordingly, IEEE is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment to all participants, including staff and vendors, at IEEE-related events. IEEE has no tolerance for discrimination, harassment, or bullying in any form at IEEE-related events. All participants have the right to pursue shared interests without harassment or discrimination in an environment that supports diversity and inclusion.
Participants are expected to adhere to these principles and respect the rights of others. IEEE seeks to provide a secure environment at its events.
Participants should report any behavior inconsistent with the principles outlined here, to on-site staff, security or venue personnel, or to eventconduct@ieee.org.
Also, please visit IEEE Diversity, Equity & Inclusion information.